Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Egyptians Respect for Cats

Egyptian Cat Necklace
Do you like Jewelery? Well I Know the Egyptians wore an amulet that was shaped as a cat because they wanted to show their appreciation for Bastet. The bad part is it probably didn't even match their outfits anyway. Lets get off that topic now! When ever you watch one of those crazy mummy movies and you see all the wrappings on the mummy, do you ever see any animal mummies? Well I don't so I am going to tell you a little bit about that. First almost all animals were mummified like cats, dogs, cows, horses and even alligators. There is much more, they mummified the animals because they thought it would be respectful. The cats were mummified because they assisted man-kind like for example in there homes.

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