Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cats Gone Wild!

Cat on the Street
You had better watch where you step because there are cats everywhere!! The cats didn't really have a place to live unless they were in the palace then they would get the special treatment. Most cats lived on the streets of the city. That's why it was important to watch where you were stepping or you could run over one and kill it then it is good-bye to you. Some of the cats lived by the Nile river, on the street in homes or if they are really lucky in the Pharaoh's Palace. According to the Egyptians everything in nature has a soul. So when people would worship the animal it would have a good afterlife.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Egyptians need a rescue shelter for all those cats! There must have been a lot for you to have to watch where you step every minute of the day if you went out for a bit. Would you like to live in Egypt because of the cats?
