Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Pictures of Animals

Hieroglyphics of Animals
Ooooooohhhhh the Egyptians are going to get in trouble for writing on the walls!! Not only did they write words and letters but they would also draw pictures of animals such as cats, dogs, bull, cow and other animals. This would help them feel better about there worship of the animals and also as weird as it may sound help them write there wills before they die. The animals also lived in temples and houses, but not only cats would live in the homes, dogs and snakes would live there too.

Cat Mummies

If you know what a mummified cat looked like you would probably throw up! When the cat was born the people would raise it and worship until it got older then they would break its neck and do all the mummification stuff then buried it with another person. Why would they do such a horrible thing to a little kitty cat well this was because of Bastet they wanted to show her honor and respect for all the work she did for them. Bastet was known for having a cat head and a human body she would eat rats, mice, birds etc. to keep the food bacteria free, and good enough to eat, so that they children wouldn't get sick. It sounds like Bastet was a pretty interesting hard working kind of person. She was probably full all the time because she eats so many rats and mice. Ewwww


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cats Gone Wild!

Cat on the Street
You had better watch where you step because there are cats everywhere!! The cats didn't really have a place to live unless they were in the palace then they would get the special treatment. Most cats lived on the streets of the city. That's why it was important to watch where you were stepping or you could run over one and kill it then it is good-bye to you. Some of the cats lived by the Nile river, on the street in homes or if they are really lucky in the Pharaoh's Palace. According to the Egyptians everything in nature has a soul. So when people would worship the animal it would have a good afterlife.

The Egyptians Respect for Cats

Egyptian Cat Necklace
Do you like Jewelery? Well I Know the Egyptians wore an amulet that was shaped as a cat because they wanted to show their appreciation for Bastet. The bad part is it probably didn't even match their outfits anyway. Lets get off that topic now! When ever you watch one of those crazy mummy movies and you see all the wrappings on the mummy, do you ever see any animal mummies? Well I don't so I am going to tell you a little bit about that. First almost all animals were mummified like cats, dogs, cows, horses and even alligators. There is much more, they mummified the animals because they thought it would be respectful. The cats were mummified because they assisted man-kind like for example in there homes.

Look Out there's a Cat!

Ancient Egyptian Cat
Don't step on that cat or you will be sorry! What I meant by sorry is Killed! Most cats were considered sacred to the Egyptians. Its  like someone going over to your house and setting it on fire or something, in another words don't mess with there felines!  As weird as this may sound most cats were worshiped!!! Why you may ask is because they thought it would be respectful of them. The cats weren't the only thing that was worshiped almost every animal was praised or worshiped. But that's not the only reason the cats were worshiped. Because they were liked so much when you die you would get buried in your tomb (of course) and have 2 or 3 cats in the tomb with you!! Ewww gross why would you want to have dead cats all around you? The answer is 1.(You are dead anyway so it doesn't matter) and 2.They would keep you company in the afterlife. Wow that's some pretty crazy people.